After 2k cryotic, it might be best to stick with 1 excavator at a time though because of enemy levels and spawn rates etc.

Tikal on Earth is the mission I myself farm cryotic on, good chance for Neurodes and rubedo dropping here as well. My advice for farming cryotic is to find the lowest-level excavation mission available, go there and stay with a Frost preferbly and good weapons for 2’000-2’500 cryotics per run – have 2 excavators running simultaneously if possible from 0-2’000 cryotic – should be fairly manageable with decent warframes and weapons. Sometimes you are going to need a lot of cryotic to craft things, and this resource is not distinctly listed on the planetary chart, this is because resources listed are only “farming resources” and cryotic is not counted to these since it’s a guaranteed reward from every completed Excavation drill on excavation missions. Perhaps try a Survival on Europa with proper farm setup. Circuit farmingĬircuits usually have quite high drop-rate on all missions on the planets where they drop – try a survival on Venus. It is said though that Exterminate on Void basically guarantees ONE Argon crystal per mission – make sure to look out for Argon caches to destroy on the map and see if this works for you :) Of all the times I went it personally only 1 time was without Argon Crystal. Went together with a +65% dmg buff Rhino, a non-max rank Nekros (nekros had Drop chance booster) and a rank 1 trinity – got 5 argons in the first 10 minutes, 13 total after 40min – and it was only at 40min it got really tough for us! Safe bet for Argon Crystals is to visit the Void – I just went there to the lvl 20-25 Survival (Ani) as Pilfering Swarm Hydroid with my duration+strength build and used charged tentacle swarm for maximum amount of tentacles as well as damage, and used Large squad energy restores to keep it together when energy orbs were scarce in the beginning. Here I will post some farming spots me and the Clan have discovered to have been quite favorable for various purposes such as: Neural Sensor, Salvage, Neurode, Polymer Bundle, Plastids, Argon crystal, Oxium, Nano spores farm and more. Alternative way of Leveling Low-level warframes.

Hydron on Sedna for “easier”/less effort EXP farming in Warframe.