Still need help? Find an e-book class at your local library. You can also check the status of all your digital checkouts and holds under My eBooks when you log into your account. When you search for e-books, you will see a button to the right of the title indicating that you can check out the book in OverDrive or in cloudLibrary, or place a hold on the title in OverDrive or cloudLibrary. You can read Kindle-formatted e-books on your Amazon Kindle or the free Kindle App for smart phones tablets and desktops. You can search for and checkout both OverDrive and cloudLibrary e-books through the catalog. Need more help? View the Amazon Help page for public library books for additional resources related to Kindle devices and reading apps.If you want to set up additional devices, see what you have checked out, or return a book, go to Manage Your Kindle.If you choose to purchase the book from the Kindle Store or check it out again at a later date, all of your notes and highlights will be preserved.Click the Actions button next to the title and then Return this book.
Visit cloudLibrary for complete instructions on installing and setting up the app.
This app is not available through the Amazon Appstore.
You can also install the cloudLibrary app on your Kindle Fire, which gives you access to an additional collection of library e-books to borrow.
Follow the Android instructions for setting up the app and checking out e-books and audiobooks. In addition to Kindle formatted e-books, you can read EPUB e-books and listen to MP3 audiobooks on the Kindle Fire by downloading the OverDrive app from the Amazon Appstore.
For more information, read Amazon's instructions for transferring files via USB. Browse by author, title, or language, and then download the book some are available as an AZW3 Kindle file, others as PDF, EPUB, MOBI, FB2, etc. Kindle Cloud Reader is an HTML5-based web app developed by Amazon that lets you access your Kindle library in your web browser. Currently, there are over 50,000 titles here. KINDLE ONLINE SOFTWARE
Amazon's Kindle software (known as Whisper) to the iPhone and iPod Touch. ManyBooks scours the internet to find the greatest and latest in free Kindle books.
Connect your Kindle to the computer via USB and save the file to the Kindle's Documents folder. The biggest selection of eBooks and Audiobooks from Kindle in Literature & Fiction, Foreign Languages, Religion & Spirituality, Business, Romance, History. of Totally Wired: What Teens and Tweens Are Really Doing Online (2007). In the final step of the checkout process, you'll have the option to download your e-book as a file. If you have an older Kindle without Wi-Fi, or no available Wi-Fi connection outside of the Library, there are a couple additional steps to transfer the e-book file from your computer to the device. If your download does not appear once you connect to Wi-Fi, click Menu and "Sync and Check for Items.". If you do not have Wi-Fi at home, visit one of our libraries or another Wi-Fi hotspot. No scrolling is necessary on your end.Settings > Wireless Settings > Connect). When you access the app on a different device the app checks Whispersync, gets the page number of the book in progress, and shows the last page you read. Whispersync remembers the page of the book and links to your account. Once the app is set up on your devices, you can start a Kindle book on your PC and then continue reading it on the subway or wherever on your phone and so on. But, if you don’t have space on your computer or don’t want to install the app, you can read your book on a web browser too. All you need to do is open the Kindle application and click on the book you want to read. The app makes it really easy to read your book on your computer. Click the box icon to the left to increase the size of the page, making it easier to read.
Then, select the book you’d like to read.
Log in to the app with your Amazon account credentials. Download the Kindle eBook reader for PC, Mac, Android, and iOS from here. KINDLE ONLINE HOW TO
Here is how to read a Kindle eBook using the Kindle app.